segunda-feira, 29 de setembro de 2014


This is not a typical or expected post in a sewing blog, but to tell you the truth I do watch a lot of tv, especially when I am sewing or knitting or doing some other handcraft. I was never in my life able to sit in front of the tv doing nothing, so maybe that is how I started my crafts, really. Today it is the other way around, I have a tv in my sewing room, so it is always on. I am a huge fan of films and tv!
TV Shows from 2014 Fall Premiere Calendar have just started and here´s what I am going to be watching (these are only the shows that are still on):
The funny Tv shows:

Eu assisto um monte de tv, e os seriados estão estreando essas semanas, e aqui está minha listinha. Essa postagem aparentemente não tem nada a ver com costuras, mas na verdade tem sim: eu jamais consegui assistir tv sem fazer nada. Acho que minha paixão por trabalhos manuais vem dai. Entao aqui vao os seriados que vou acompanhar
as comédias,

The action/mystery Tv shows:
Os de ação/policiais/mistério: 

The second season of Penny Dreadful hasn´t been announced yet, but I´ve just started to watch it, so this one is new to me. Elementary premieres in October    
I´ll have to wait for 2015 for Sherlock 
Sherlock só volta em 2015...
and I don´t know the premier date of True Detective season 2
não sei quando estreia a segunda temporada de True Detective 
BBC´s Wallander season 4 filming is scheduled to start in 2015, so I guess it s going to be a long wait for this one :((
O Wallander da BBC só vai começar a ser filmado em 2015, então vou ter de esperar um monte.

And the drama that everybody loves, the one I call "my Mexican Soap" :)))))) (the costumes in this show just make me flip)
Ah, e o drama que todos amamos, o que eu apelidei carinhosamente de "minha novelinha mexicana" (as roupas, gente, as roupas!!!!!!!!!!!)

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